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The antique barn is official closed in this summer because the Corona pandemi but if you call or mail me before I can open for separate persons, maximum three persons per time. No kids. But as usually I ship small stuff all over the world.

Welcome to visit my shop in Övre Gärdsjö, an old village not far from Rättvik in Dalarna in the middle part of Sweden. The shop is found in what used to be an old barn. Here you can buy antiques, old furniture, folk art, Swedish primitives and country antiques. Moreover, you find old Dala horses, which are hand carved and painted wooden statuettes very famous for this region and popular souvenirs. You also find lamps, various textiles, folk costumes, pottery, cinema posters, books, curiosities and much more from five centuries. Last but not least, I sell spare parts for old houses like windows, doors and hinges. Wholesaling to antique dealers all over the world.
I send stuff all over the world but not big stuff.

The other pages of this website are in Swedish but I hope you will enjoy it anyway.

  Antikladan interiör allmoge

For centuries, it has been popular to decorate walls and furniture using the floral folk art style called kurbits. This painting technique actually developed in Övre Gärdsjö in the 1770s.
The kurbits used at the top of this page is painted by Björ Anders Hansson (1775-1837), who lived where my barn was built around 1830.
  Blånnesladu byggd 1294 In Gärdsjö you find many old buildings from the 13th century onwards and the landscape with its medieval roots has become a tourist attraction. People come to admire the old buildings and the beautiful scenery. In the area, there is a local heritage museum. You can also visit a museum of furniture painting. Blånnåsladdu, in the picture, is one of the oldest timber buildings in Sweden. It was built in 1294.

Webmaster - photo - contact: Inge Nilsson - 0046248-14495 - 0046708-623820 - inge(at)gardsjoantik.se